Colorado, USA, Mckenzie Airbase
When Lian was captured after the kazakstahn missile incident, Stevens ordered her taken to this airbase for treatment and incarceration. It was the only military facility over which he had direct control and its infirmary was not directly under the purview of US Military Medical Authority, but was administered by Agency personnel.
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This was also where Jonathan Phagan's brain dead body was taken. Stevens needed blood samples from both Phagan and Lian because they were incubators for a special strain of the Syphon Filter virus, both having been purposely infected while they were prisoners within Rhoemer's catacomb laboratories.
PHARCOM, European Division, London One of many PHARCOM labs located throughout Europe, Agency records indicate that the London facilities were the central location for antigen manufacturing and distribution. Active samples, concealed within specimen cadavers, were transported directly from Uzhhorod in the Ukraine, passing customs under the PHARCOM 'antiquities import-export' permits.
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Jonathon Phagan fled to these labs after Aramov's attempted assassination, and it was from here that he was captured by Agency personnel and transported to Rhoemer's stronghold in the Ukraine, to become a victim of the medical procedure he himself had helped establish. The labs storage units still contain refrigerated samples marked 'Phagan'.
Agency Bio-Lab, Lower East Side, New York The Agency inherited this facility from the Department of Defense (DOD) in the early 1970s. It was created, originally, as part of the Manhattan Project for Enrico Fermi, who had requested a secret, subterranean space in which to build his first nuclear reactor, a nuclear 'pile' consisting of 400 tons of graphite and 22,000 pseudospheres of uranium stacked in 57 layers of cadmium sheets. It produced 200 watts of electricity and enough plutonium for the world's first atomic bomb.
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Since its existence was never declassified, even fifty years after the war (New Yorkers would have been understandably distressed) its central location made it perfect, after extensive remodeling and modernization, for Agency biologicial research.
Rhoemer's Base, Rozovka, Kazakhstan In September of 1997, under the START-II treaty, Russia eliminated ten percent of its stockpile of medium range nuclear missiles, including the cold-launched, 10 warhead SS-24, RS-22, and rail capable SS-19 Stilletto. Under the treaty, these were to have been destroyed and their destruction verified by a U.S. commission headed by the Secretary of State.
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Agency records, compiled from the inventory of weapons stockpiled in Rhoemer's base, show that many of these weapons were in fact not destroyed, but were somehow diverted and sold on the black market, ending up in Rhoemer's arsenal. Subsequent Agency investigation and reports have been suppressed and can only be viewed with Stevens' personal authorization.
Industrial District, Moscow, Russian Republic Mara Aramov grew up in one of these dingy five-story apartment complexes nicknamed 'khrushyovki' after Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. Located near the industrial complex in southwest Moscow, these small, cramped flats were home to millions, often with several families crowding together into a single apartment.
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In 1992 the city began building suburban apartments to sell on the open market, using the proceeds to build new flats in the city for needy Muscovites. These new cheerless buildings are known as 'luzhkovki' (after Moscow mayor Yury Luzhkov) and are mostly vacant because no one can afford them. The city continues to build 3 million square meters of unused housing a year.
Agency Training Labs, Classified The agency has been experimenting with several drugs which have the powerful ability to alter one's perceptions of time and space. Test facilities were built based on designs created within the Psyche Division. The result is a seemingly confusing space filled with ovals, columns and checkerboard patterns that test one's ability to sense distance and scale.
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Agents who participated in combat exercises while medicated, reported that all sense of space became, in their words 'surreal'. A drop off any platform, which in reality was less than twenty feet from the ground, seemed to result in a fall that sent them 'spinning into eternity.' The experiment is entering Phase Three, results are classified.
Harbin Palace, Heilongjiang Province, China Shi-hao's struggle for power in Heilongjiang began here in the sewers beneath the palace complex. While troops openly fought for control of the streets around the palace, he moved several elite squads through these maze-like sewer canals, searching for a hidden entrance. They found it and captured the province governor without firing a shot.
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Agency records show a long standing interest in the province. Several intelligence surveys document the extensive oil fields (China's largest) in Daquing, technological research being done at the Harbin Institute of Technology in Hagongda, and the Institute of Pharmaceutical Enterprises, home of China's twelve largest drug companies.
Washington Park, Washington DC The agency's plan for dealing with Rhoemer's attack first began to unravel here on the park's northwest side. Jenson's team entered the park through the heavily wooded section to avoid detection, but instantly came under heavy fire (an incident which eventually led Logan to suspect that the agency had a mole leaking information to the terrorists).
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Anton Girdeux's men took out half of Jenson's force and then pulled back past the bathrooms and fled south, past the Police Memorial, and then east to the tennis courts. Jenson made the ill-fated decision to follow him and was led directly into a well planned ambush: Jenson and all of his men were burned alive.
Washington Park, Washington D.C. This park monument has no formal title, but is affectionately known to locals as the 'tank trap' because its huge blocky concrete design and construction are similar to structures the Army Corp of Engineers used during WWII as tank defenses. Their sturdy vertical surfaces were about the only thing tank treads could not climb or knock over.
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It's probably this same defensibility that led Rhoemer to choose this particular location as his communication center when he planned his terrorist assault on Washington D.C. It was central, high enough to eliminate interference, and not easily accessible by road; in all, a good choice. If Rhoemer had chosen a different triggerman, the outcome may have proven very different.
Washington Park, Washington DC Rhoemer's initial assault plan called for his trigger man, Jorge Luis Marcos, to monitor terrorist and law enforcement radio traffic from the communication station and to detonate the bombs if it looked like the terrorists were losing. He was to use this hedge maze as the last line of defense for the location of the main bomb in the presidential memorial.
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But as Logan and the CBDC led the assault on park positions and began defusing the viral bombs, Marcos panicked. He ignored repeated orders to override the bombs' timers and blow them early, and instead fled into the hedge maze, which is where Logan found him. If Logan had not killed him, Rhoemer would have. Different motives, same result.